Peace be with you. My name is Allif Fullah Andri, my nick name is Allif, I’m the student of 2 A Economy Education class (P.PAPK). I came from Sanggau city, district of Kapuas, I lives in the Ilham’s street, Kota Baru, Pontianak. My status is University Student in one of the college’s biggest in West Kalimantan is at the University of TanjungPura precisely in Faculty of Teachers Training and Education. Talk about education, my histories of education that are : TK Pertiwi, SD 09, MTsN SANGGAU, MAN SANGGAU, and University of TanjungPura. Talk about college, many people who asked me why do you want to continue on to college whereas S1 graduates is not necessarily assure us to success in the future? Many graduates out there who are still are being unemployment? I went on to college first because of the full support and prayer of my family especially both parents and twice because I haven’t yet been able to think what I do after this senior high school, I want to work but I don’t know what work with graduated from senior high school. For continue to college is also pretty hard all because many students of thousands of graduated from senior high school in West Kalimantan that wanna continue to college. We can be said maybe I’m the lucky person in thousands people who failed to could feel the learning back in different context namely in college. I get here just as they come to the test, learn again, exam or test written, waiting a queue, back and forth go, waste my time, etc. But praise thanks to prayer my parents and also help God, I’m successful to get in college University of TanjungPura where I had failed to fit in IAIN take direction of Banking Syariah and PGMI before. Perhaps it’s just short story once my experience. I say thank you.
"Welcome to Campus"
(A Moment The Last Day PAMB2016)
#Thanks to reading
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