

Jumat, 05 Mei 2017

My future business

Assalammu’alaikum. Hello to everything. Hallo Guy’s, meet again in a blog me. With the theme of different, this time the theme of which I wrote is a plan to open the business. In accordance with the study program Faculty I choose the economy education. My study program is not far from the name of the business as the name of economic education but my course is more directed to become a profession and teachers can also lead to the business. The advantages of taking an economic education course, first can be a teacher and the second can be a businessman. Hehe ... okay, what business will I open or wake up for the future. I have a plan someday I do not know when it can happen, I want to open a kind of casual place on the outskirts of the road that sell hot and cold drinks and snacks or other heavy. Because now a lot of entrepreneurs open the usual place hanging out become a place for the gathering of young people today. Especially with the advancement of technology that is the free Wi-fi is perfect for the overseas kids like college students similar to me this wkwkwk ... to build this business is not easy because there are so many businessmen out there profession with this intention of mine. So, I must be clever to take the opportunity in narrow for this problem hehehe ... because who he can quickly, do not be careless if not to be outdone. Hehe ... capital and strategy is also an important issue for all beginners like me in terms of opening a business. Hopefully while there is intention all there is a way. Aamiin. The first of my wassalalmmu'alaikum. y while there is intention all there is a way. Aamiin. The first of my wassalalmmu'alaikum.

#Thanks to reading

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